Canine Anti Keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) IgM ELISA Kit
The Canine Anti-KLH IgM ELISA in an indirect ELISA for thedetection of and quantification of KLH (keyhole limpethemocyanin)-specific IgM in canine serum or plasma. Thisimmunoassay is suitable for:
1)Determining immune status relative to non-immunecontrols;
2) Assessing efficacy of vaccines, including dosage,adjuvantcy, route of immunization and timing;
3) Qualifying and/or standardizing vaccine batches andprotocols.
4) Measuring natural anti-KLH antibodies of innate immunity
Keyhole LimpetHemocyanin (KLH), anoxygen-transporting proteinof the marine gastropodMegathura crenulata, isrecognized as a potentimmunoactivator, andtherefore is widely used inresearch and clinicalstudies. Presentapplications of KLH include: (a) use as a highly immunogenicantigen for assessment of immune competence of an organism,and (b) frequent use as a carrier of low molecular mass peptidesand haptens, such as oligosaccharides, gangliosides or(glyco)peptides, designed to facilitate antibody production. Inthese cases, antibodies made to small peptides/haptens aregenerally raised by coupling to a large carrier protein like KLH.Antibodies are produced to both KLH and the peptide/hapten;because anti-KLH may give non-specific signals in variousimmunoassays, removal by solid phase immunoaffinitychromatography is common. The ELISA is useful for determininglevels of anti-KLH in sera and for monitoring anti-KLH removalfrom purified samples after antibody production. The ADI antiKLH ELISA is designed with high sensitivity for discriminatinglower level antibodies, which may include natural anti-KLHantibodies of innate immunity, with specially formulated diluentsto minimize interfering background signals.
The Canine Anti-KLH IgM ELISAkit is based on the binding ofCanine anti- KLH in samples toKLH antigen immobilized on themicrowells, and anti- KLH IgMantibody is detected by antiCanine IgM-specific antibodyconjugated to HRP conjugate.After a washing step,chromogenic substrate (TMB) isadded and color (blue), which isdirectly proportional to the amount of antibody present in thesample. Stop Solution is added (converts blue to yellow color),and A450nm is then measured using an ELISA reader. Theactivity of antibody in samples is calculated relative to suppliedcalibrators.